Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We play house.

Looking out of a top story window

Location : on the couch, watching TV
Time : 10:52pm
Weather : well, it's night time. And a bit humid because itrained this morning and is yet to warm up..

Luckily today Lou didn't have school. I slept for almost 12 hours. And until 10am. Nobody wanted to wake me. I don't know why..
Anyways, we drove around a little, showing me the vilalge, which really isn't all that big, and before I knew it we were in Aix. I honestly didn't know we had left Luynes.

We just chilled around the house for the rest of the day.
Played ALOT of Post Office with Lou. Like ALOT. And some Laundromat. And some House. And Room mates. She is really imaginative, which makes it very fun.

Down the street. Notice the walls.

The town is really quite beautiful. I'll hopefully have the patience to upload some photos. I tried before, but it was taking wayyyy too long.

There's more people around now. Marie-Anne just got back with Lou's older sister; Alexandra along with Jean-..(I forget, aiya), her boyfriend.

I'm still getting used to this double cheek kiss thing. I constantly forget that its customary. haha, oh well.
Anyways, peopleare here, I gotta fly. I'll try the photos later...maybe

The front of the house.


  1. I could only find ads for hotels and B&B's there. Nothing about the town or area. I will try again this evening.
