Sunday, November 21, 2010


Time : 9:14pm

Weather : once again damp, approximately 10 degrees

Location : back against the wall, sitting on my bed

Today was promising.

I woke up at 8 AM and got myself all ready to go to the airport with everyone and bid farewell to Alissa. Only to find nobody getting ready until well after 9 AM. I thought we were leaving at 10..

I guess it was only Alissa, Marie-Anne and Elisabeth who were going. I kind of wanted to go, just to get out of the house and what not. But Lola’s mom was running late with something and didn’t end up coming to get her until right when Marie-Anne returned anyways.

The house seems a little empty with out Alissa. But what can ya do about it? Exactly.

The rest of my day was not overly fulfilling. I wanted to go for a run, but obviously couldn’t do that until Marie-Anne returned. Then it was lunch. And I can’t run right after lunch, so I was going to wait a couple hours. Otherwise I’d make myself sick. And then it started to rain. Then thunder and lightening came too.

Needless to say, my day petered away.

I did start a project though. I can’t divulge he details just yet. It is a secretive project that requires my extreme skills in one department that only people in my English classes have witnessed. You all should be very excited. But not too excited, because I am still unsure as to how it will turn out. And I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.

So my missed commenting on the Post yesterday;

As in Canada, the Post is a public service here as well, for now. Apparently there has been talk, and a bit more than just talk of the Post becoming a private affaire. I couldn’t imagine what that would do to postal services. They would no longer have to have it in every small town, many towns would thus lose the service and be extremely inconvenienced. Here you get the post delivered right to your house. None of these post boxes, like the mass amounts of them that make a little square in some neighbourhoods. So, if you happened to live in a inconveniencing spot to the service, you would now be the inconvenienced one. I also couldn’t imagine how much that would slow down the postal service. Then there would be more than one private company and I do not even want to imagine what kind of mess that would make. If I ever get a say in it here, I am fully against it. I don’t know who would be for it. Probably someone with a lot of money that wants more of it, and has the funds to start such a project.

All I can say is that my project is a lot less harmful. Or I should say, inconveniencing.

That is al for the daily report.

I look forward to tomorrow when my report will hopefully be pages long, full of all the interesting things I did.

Today was rather banal.

That sounds slightly French, because it is, but it is English. You know I Googled it.



  1. I went for a run in a thunderstorm in Quebec..
    It was pretty intense. Liberating even. Just one word of advice though, don't do that right before dark, going the long way (because 1/3 of the way through you're disillusioned enough to think you can) in a strange place with no bathrooms along your route.
    Then again, I doubt that will happen to you, in a place the size of lakeview.

  2. haha i think I saw pictures of that.
    or maybe that was jsut a day caught in the rain..
