Sunday, February 13, 2011


Time : 8:56pm

Location : the Chair

Weather : it was so nice out today.. so nice.. it is Spring.

Today I got my fair share of the outside. (Once I got last night’s entry up)

I started off with attempting to going for a run. It went fairly well, as in it took ten minutes for my shin splints to kick in. Which was disappointing, I’ve been waiting for two weeks to be able to run again. So I finally pulled out the bike and went for an extended ride. The ride was great, the bike was weird. When I finally get this computer problem fixed, I’ll put the photo of it up. My words can not create it’s image for you. That and I lack the bike vocabulary necessary. All I can say on the matter is it had a really squishy seat, felt like it had an incredible amount of shocks and only had 6 gears.
What Are You!!

I then took my time getting myself together for the day and slightly cleaning my room.

Eventually I set off for Narnia. I packed myself a wonderful lunch and had my binocs with me. I was perfectly set.

On my way I thought about something. I thought about the time you pass getting somewhere, for example: walking somewhere, sitting on a train, switching planes and waiting in airports. I find as if it is almost like for X amount of time, your life is kind of on hold (ok, this can be argued on so many points, but just go with me) or paused. You are between two points and are waiting to get somewhere. Until you arrive, you do things like listen to music, look out the window or Sudoku puzzles. Almost as if you are passing through a void of sorts. Sure you’re doing things, you’re living, but its not like you are Really doing Something. Not until you arrive, then you have to do Something.
med. mustard
tuna with dijon mustard
comte cheese
more toast.
this is magnificent.

I think this was me reflecting on taking the train from city to city this winter in Germany. Those hours between destinations were fine, really easy because I really didn’t have to think too much about what to do. I could just sit. But once we arrived, and I got off the train, every time it was like “Ok, Now Where Am I Going? What Am I Doing?”.

My lunch was absolutely delicious, I savoured every bite. For the record, in Narnia, 3 o’clock is not the hot time for trains, only three went by right around the hour.

with carrots.

While I was sitting there I noticed some moss growing on the rocks. For a moment, I thought of how marvellous moss is. It lives everywhere, all year long. It even remains green and soft during the winter months (granted this isn’t much of a winter here). I was very impressed by moss and all it can endure, for a moment, then I returned to my sandwich.

I took the short way home because there were lots of things I knew I had to do.

I did an extreme organization of my room. I was like a wild frenzy where I had to put everything away before I could get down to business.

decked out for Narnia

For those of you who are interested, I now have the entry about Monaco up. It took me longer than expect. Both to get it up and to write it, but I believe I did it justice.

Along with that, I got my crafting all finished up, finishing touches and everything.
lunch break in Narnia

We had quiche for supper. Not that you really like hearing what I eat for every single meal, but I really like Quiche-Lorraine. Mushroom quiche, not so much. Ha ha .

Fingers crossed for good computer luck tomorrow!
